
Friday, November 16, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

TGIF, y'all!  I am going to use Fridays to post a few of my favorite things.  Expect these posts to be sort of random, with no logical connection between the items I post.  haha!  I don't always have the time to post individual topics about things, so this will be a good way for me to make "collections" of stuff I love.  Feel free to leave a comment if you have questions about any of the favorites I share! :)

Favorite #1 - Cheerful Cherubs Boutique.  Check out her Facebook page - she has great stuff!

Favorite #2 - My key rack.  I got the idea off Pinterest and, of course, personalized it! :)

Favorite #3 - My jewelry armoire.  (It's an upcycled bar cabinet.)

I will post tutorials for the key rack and the jewelry armoir this weekend.  Photobucket was not being very cooperative this afternoon.

Have a great weekend and God bless!

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