
Monday, November 10, 2014

Turning Mountains into Mole Hills

Happy Monday!  Today is kind of a big deal in our house - at least in the eyes of the older diva.  She is going to spend the night with Grandma tonight!  She is very excited and has asked me every day since Thursday if today is the day she gets to have a PJ party with Grandma.  Today, I finally got to say yes!

Ever on the lookout for a teachable moment, I explained to her how she would need to pack an overnight bag to take with her and what she would need to put in it.  She promptly emptied most of the contents of her dresser onto the couch...

p.s.  Yes, there are even some items that were hanging in her closet in that pile.  Oy!

After about 20 minutes of negotiation, which included her very tearful insistence that she DID need to take all of her clothes to spend one night at Grandma's house, we finally were able to decide on a pair of jammies, 2 dresses (a girl needs choices, right?!), and a stuffie that would accompany her.

I see this as a win-win.  I had a successful teaching moment and she got to learn a new life skill.  Well, make that a win-win-win since Grandma doesn't have to rent a small moving truck to pick up her little diva this afternoon!

Be blessed!

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