
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanks and Giving

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and the holiday season will be in full swing.

Traditionally, we have focused on the history of the holiday and enjoyed the time with extended family, reflecting on the blessings in our lives.  One thing that has been lacking, though, has been some act of service to others.  I have entertained the idea of serving as a family at a soup kitchen, but soup kitchens seem to be flooded with volunteers around the holidays.

The perfect opportunity presented itself when a friend tagged me in a post on Facebook about a local group calling themselves the Basket Brigade.  The group is making up laundry baskets filled with items to provide a family in need with a traditional Thanksgiving meal.  Along with donating some items to fill the baskets, we are also delivering two of the baskets.  I'm super excited about this, y'all!

Here is a sample of a basket:

I love, love, LOVE the idea of using a laundry basket instead of a decorative basket because it provides the family with something functional and lasting, beyond the meal it contains.

This is definitely an effort that I will continue with the mancubs and divas in the years to come.  What would be even more awesome is if they choose to continue this tradition with their own families some day.

"Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Matthew 7:20

Happy Thanksgiving!

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