
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Introducing Money

The older diva has been showing a lot of interest in money recently.  She and her sister both love to put coins in the Children's Miracle Network donation tub at the store.  I suspect it is more about getting to watch the coins spin around and around before making their final drop, but we do talk about how the coins are used to help sick babies. 

Since I have been working to re-focus our school activities, I decided to use the interest to my advantage and created a sorting work using coins for the shelf.  I labeled four different containers with penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and have another container filled with coins.  

I sat down with the older diva this morning and showed her the work.  She loved it!  

For now, we will work on coin identification.  Once she master that, we will work on value. I was pleased with how much she seemed to enjoy this activity.  Upon completion, she turned to me and proudly exclaimed, "I did it!"

Ahhh, happy momma!

p.s.  Please forgive the grainy cell phone pictures in my recent posts.  I need to find the cord for my camera.  I know it's somewhere in this mess of boxes... 

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