
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanks and Giving

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and the holiday season will be in full swing.

Traditionally, we have focused on the history of the holiday and enjoyed the time with extended family, reflecting on the blessings in our lives.  One thing that has been lacking, though, has been some act of service to others.  I have entertained the idea of serving as a family at a soup kitchen, but soup kitchens seem to be flooded with volunteers around the holidays.

The perfect opportunity presented itself when a friend tagged me in a post on Facebook about a local group calling themselves the Basket Brigade.  The group is making up laundry baskets filled with items to provide a family in need with a traditional Thanksgiving meal.  Along with donating some items to fill the baskets, we are also delivering two of the baskets.  I'm super excited about this, y'all!

Here is a sample of a basket:

I love, love, LOVE the idea of using a laundry basket instead of a decorative basket because it provides the family with something functional and lasting, beyond the meal it contains.

This is definitely an effort that I will continue with the mancubs and divas in the years to come.  What would be even more awesome is if they choose to continue this tradition with their own families some day.

"Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Matthew 7:20

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Granola Bars

A while ago I decided that I was tired of spending a ton of money on granola bars that were loaded with ingredients that I didn't want my kids eating.  Sugar was the main deterrent for me, but I've been trying to cut out preservatives and artificial anything, as well.

After trying a few different recipes, I finally found one that I liked with minimal tweaking on ingredients.  I love the versatility of the recipe because I have added different ingredients so it's not always the same, boring granola bar.  The result is delicious!!

Some variations we have tried and loved include:

1/2 C crunchy peanut butter (this makes a denser granola bar)
1/2 C Chocolate chip/peanut butter chip mix
1/2 C shredded coconut
1/2 C raisins

You can view the original recipe here: (Note - I omit the sliced almonds and use quick oats.  If you don't have wheat germ on-hand, you can substitute an additional 1/2 C of quick oats - or use the suggestion at the bottom of the recipe to grind 1/2 C of quick oats.)

2 cups rolled oats
½ cup wheat germ
1 cup sliced almonds
½ cup of semi- or bitter-sweet chips or chunks (about 3 ounces)
½ cup dried cranberries or cherries
1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk

Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease a 9-square-inch baking pan with vegetable cooking spray. For bars’ easy removal, line pan bottom up the two sides with a 9- by 18-inch strip of heavy-duty foil. Grease foil with vegetable cooking spray.

Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl. Turn into prepared pan and pat down until firmly packed. Bake until golden brown about 30 minutes. Cool to room temperature and put pan in freezer.

When firm, use foil handles to remove bars from pan. Remove foil and use a long, sharp knife to cut bar into 16 1- by 4-inch bars. Can be stored in an airtight container up to 1 week or frozen.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Introducing Money

The older diva has been showing a lot of interest in money recently.  She and her sister both love to put coins in the Children's Miracle Network donation tub at the store.  I suspect it is more about getting to watch the coins spin around and around before making their final drop, but we do talk about how the coins are used to help sick babies. 

Since I have been working to re-focus our school activities, I decided to use the interest to my advantage and created a sorting work using coins for the shelf.  I labeled four different containers with penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and have another container filled with coins.  

I sat down with the older diva this morning and showed her the work.  She loved it!  

For now, we will work on coin identification.  Once she master that, we will work on value. I was pleased with how much she seemed to enjoy this activity.  Upon completion, she turned to me and proudly exclaimed, "I did it!"

Ahhh, happy momma!

p.s.  Please forgive the grainy cell phone pictures in my recent posts.  I need to find the cord for my camera.  I know it's somewhere in this mess of boxes... 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Turning Mountains into Mole Hills

Happy Monday!  Today is kind of a big deal in our house - at least in the eyes of the older diva.  She is going to spend the night with Grandma tonight!  She is very excited and has asked me every day since Thursday if today is the day she gets to have a PJ party with Grandma.  Today, I finally got to say yes!

Ever on the lookout for a teachable moment, I explained to her how she would need to pack an overnight bag to take with her and what she would need to put in it.  She promptly emptied most of the contents of her dresser onto the couch...

p.s.  Yes, there are even some items that were hanging in her closet in that pile.  Oy!

After about 20 minutes of negotiation, which included her very tearful insistence that she DID need to take all of her clothes to spend one night at Grandma's house, we finally were able to decide on a pair of jammies, 2 dresses (a girl needs choices, right?!), and a stuffie that would accompany her.

I see this as a win-win.  I had a successful teaching moment and she got to learn a new life skill.  Well, make that a win-win-win since Grandma doesn't have to rent a small moving truck to pick up her little diva this afternoon!

Be blessed!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Intentional Parenting

We have a brand new teenager (as of last month) and a tween (10 this week) in the house, plus a four year old and two year old.  I have to confess - most days I am in survival mode.  Housework, meals, communicating with teachers, homeschool for the divas, and whatever each day decides to throw at me leaves little room for intentional parenting.  But, God has laid it on my heart recently, so I am working on getting back to being an intentional parent.

In my quest to return to intentional parenting, I found this great list at

Here are the nine habits of an intentional parent:

1.  I will not do for my child what he needs to do for himself—when I do, I disrespect him. 
2. I will not overreact—when I do, my child has won. 
3. I will not rescue my child from life lessons he needs to learn—when I do, I weaken him. 
4. I will not treat my teenager like a child—when I do, I create resentment. I will not be dissuaded from doing right, despite anger, tears, cursing or threats—when I do, I am an irresponsible parent. 
5. I will use my Heart—when they are hurting, confused, searching or frustrated. 
    I will use my Head—when they have questions, need guidance or want answers.
    I will use my Hand (take action)—when they are disrespectful, disobedient or lazy. 
6. I will pick my parenting battles carefully—because it’s more important to be the right parent than to be right. 
7. I will give lots of encouragement—because it will help my child to succeed.
8. I will provide training, instruction and support as needed—because that’s my job.
9. I will pray daily for my children—because my children belong to God.

 * See more at: *

Seems easy, doesn't it?  But, how many of us rush to do for our children to save time?  Do we give them enough encouragement?  Most importantly, do we honestly and authentically pray over our children daily?  Beyond, "Lord, keep them safe/healthy" or "Lord, give me the patience..."?

As I am working through the newness of teenager years, I am trying to remember not to violate #4 by implementing #3.  As I meditate on this list, my prayer is simple - "God, help me to remember all of these ways that I need to be intentional about my parenting.  Guide me and show me which ones are the most important with each of my 4 children right now.  But, Lord, remind me that I am only human and am doing my best when the busyness of the day gets in the way and I slip from being an intentional parent to just going through the motions.  Bring me gently back to where You need me to be and how You need me to guide these beautiful, smart, funny, incredible souls whom You have blessed me with and charged me with their loving care as their mom."


Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Back to blogging!

At the beginning of this school year, we decided that I would homeschool the divas.  So, I'm reviving my blog to document their work and hopefully share some ideas and activities and resources with other homeschooling families.  I am very much in the learn as I go phase of homeschooling, but I am confident that I feel like a veteran homeschooling mom in no time. :)

Happy reading!