
Friday, December 5, 2014

Slow down or you might miss something!

Ahhh, Christmas!  It is one of my favorite times of the year!  The only thing I don't like is the rush and bustle of the crowds.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm going to do most, if not all, of my Christmas shopping online this year just to avoid the crowds.  Yeah, I know - BAH-HUMBUG!

In an effort to slow time down, the divas and I went for a walk yesterday morning.  Our mission was simple:  get some fresh air and find some twigs to use for our playdough snowmen we were going to make.  As we wandered down the sidewalk, a small glint of green spinning in the breeze in mid-air caught my eye.  Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was a tiny inchworm dropping from the tree above on its way to the ground below.  So. Cute.

The divas were immediately drawn to it and spent several minutes staring at it in fascination as it wriggled and squirmed on the sidewalk.  After our walk was complete, the divas came back to the spot where we found the inchworm and begged to bring it home.  We have been working on habitats lately, so it seemed appropriate.

So, we now have a new "class" pet!  Meet Squishy and check out his new habitat that the divas helped me assemble. :)

It's moments like these that remind me of how blessed I am to be home with my kids and to be schooling the divas.  In a world where everything is so rushed and hurried, I can hit the pause button and something as small and seemingly insignificant as an inchworm can hold our fascination.

So, in this crazy busy time of year, I encourage each of you to slow down and look around or you just might miss something!

Love and Peace. XO

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