
Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Montessori-Inspired Snack Station

The Montessori method has long been a draw for me and not just because I was a Montessori kid myself.  I love the heavy focus on practical life skills and independence in the 3-6 age range that is at the heart of Montessori.  So, I have been busy rearranging aspects of our routine to help foster those skills and independence.  One of the changes that I have just recently made is a snack station.

First, I have to share how excited I am about the piece of furniture that I used to make the station.  I found it at Goodwill for a mere $7!!  It is solid wood and a few coats of paint made it look like a totally different piece!  

My set up for the station from the top shelf down is as follows:

Top shelf - picture tent cards of refrigerated snack options.

Second shelf - One basket with non-perishable snack options.  These will include granola bars, fig bars, rice cakes, crackers (variety), pretzels, etc.  I will limit it to 2 different choices per week and rotate through them to provide a good variety throughout the month.  The other basket has prep utensils in it - kid-friendly butter knives, an apple corer/slicer, and other utensils as I acquire them.

Staging area - The small wooden bowl is a fruit bowl (bananas, apples, oranges).  The red square is a cutting mat (my small wooden cutting board is packed away somewhere, so this will have to do for now. ha!), Cups for drinking water and a pitcher.

I hung a small dowel using thumbtacks to make the towel rod.  I thought it turned out pretty cute. :)

Third shelf - This shelf has paper plates (yes, I know plastic or disposable is not Montessori, hence the word "inspired" attached to it in the post title :) ), a basket with napkins and I will add another basket with utensils for eating.

Bottom shelf - I added a place mat that shows the proper table setting after I took this picture.  But, the real addition to that shelf is coming at Christmas.  Check back to see what will be coming for the younger diva! 


  1. You are so creative! I love everything about this!

    1. Thanks!! I love finding inspiration, then putting my own twist to it. :)
