
Monday, January 14, 2013

Time to Get Organized

I've never been a big fan of Spring cleaning.  I usually just attack things when I feel inspired.  Apparently, I am feeling the urge to purge and declutter early this year.  Barely 2 weeks into the new year and I am already tackling this little gem that I have pinned to my or·gan·ized board on Pinterest.

My husband doesn't think I can find 400 things to get rid of in our house.  I told him I accept the challenge. Heh

One thing that is really difficult for me is managing paper clutter.  I'm not talking about just junk mail or newspapers and magazines.  Even my scrapbooking paper and construction paper tends to spread out like a vine sometimes.  So, I came up with a clever way to store construction paper that makes it easy for the kiddos to access and keeps it neatly contained for me.  I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this idea, but I thought of it on my own so I'm posting like it's an original idea.  Humor me, please. :)

I had an accordian file box lying around, leftover from my days of working as a sales rep.  I even had extra labels, which made this quick project a no-brainer.

I labeled the tabs with individual colors, then filed the construction paper away.  I really like this because I can easily see when I run out of a particular color.  Pink seems to be popular with the older diva right now, so I stock up extra on that color.

A quick 10-minute project and another item organized!

I'm not the only one who organizes their colors according to Roy G Biv, right?

Now, on to the next organizational project.  If I can just find that print out for the 40 days of decluttering....

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