
Monday, January 7, 2013

Boredom Busters

My first post this week to show some love to craft sticks is my Boredom Busters tub. 

With 4 kids ranging 10 years apart in age (oldest to youngest), it can be challenging to keep them all entertained or occupied.  The older ones are 11 and 8, so they are old enough to entertain themselves.  This sounds simple, right?  Especially since they have acres to roam on behind our home.  Who would ever think that the words "I'm bored!" would cross their lips!

So, I searched the web and came up with some ideas of things they could do if they uttered the words "I'm bored".  I also asked the mancubs to come up with some ideas of their own to be included.  I was impressed with what they suggested.


Here is a list of the ideas we put in our Boredom Busters tub:

Stand on your head
Play a dice game
Make sun catchers
Create a dinner menu
Read the Bible
Pretend we are famous people
Read about a famous person
Re-read a favorite book
Make a poster
Make a puzzle
Learn about a job
Look at the clouds
Make up a new game
Play solitaire
Send a card
Play in your room
Do math
Help around the house
Draw what you imagine
Start a collection
Play/listen to music
Play with brother or sister
Make something
Play freeze dance
Play with toys
Take a nap
Play ball
Learn about an animal
Backwards somersault
Play outside
Make something out of cotton balls and Qtips
Do a game/puzzle
Make an obstacle course
Use nature to create pictures
Do exercises
Play a game
Go for a bike ride
Give gifts
Make a Lego city
Color in a coloring book
Help someone
Find 5 books to read
Play ball
Make a jigsaw puzzle

By the way, the younger mancub was "bored" while I was drafting this post, so I had him help by reading off each of the sticks to me. ;)

The Boredom Busters tub now sits on the counter, next to the Chores.  They've been warned if they can't find something to do in the Boredom Buster tub they will be instructed to pull an extra chore.  I have a feeling they won't be bored as often anymore!

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