
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Self-directed Learning Through Play

I just finished reading this fantastic post by another blogger and wanted to quickly share my thoughts about this topic.

When I first began this homeschooling journey, I had grand plans for following a daily schedule, doing circle time, and producing tangible proof of what the older diva would be learning this school year.  Enter perfectionism.  I spent hours (I mean, seriously - HOURS) finding or making the perfect printables to create the perfect Circle Time chart.  I spent yet more time finding a scope and sequence/curriculum that I liked and thought would work well for us as we began our journey.

It lasted about a week.  Ha!

I decided I was simply taking the wrong approach.  Enter Montessori and Montessori-inspired activities.  The heavy focus on independence and practical life skills at the 3-6 age range was attractive to me.  What mom doesn't want to have independent children who will grow into capable adults?  So, I spent yet more hours integrating Montessori and Montessori-inspired activities into our daily life and onto our school shelves.

The older diva barely touches them.  *sigh*

[Sidebar]: The only saving grace is that the younger diva loves the Montessori activities, so the effort was not completely wasted.  I had planned on waiting until she was 3 to start schooling with her.  But, the beauty of the Montessori activities is that I can teach them to her once or twice and then she is capable of executing the activities independently until she either masters the skill or tires of the activity.

Back I went to the internet to find what was going to work.  I have finally settled on a Charlotte Mason/Montessori blend.  But, more importantly, I have decided to take the pressure off both myself and the older diva with regards to what/how she is learning.  Spend 5 minutes with her and anyone quickly figures out that she is smart, observant, funny, inquisitive, kind, (and on and on...) and independent.

Which brings me to the whole point of this post.  Everywhere I turn, there are learning opportunities.  The older diva is definitely interested in learning.  But, what her indifference towards my grand attempts at initiating homeschooling has shown me is that she will let me know what she wants to learn and when she wants to learn it.  Therein lies the beauty of self-directed learning through play.  All I have to do is provide the opportunities and the exposure (and the support materials to encourage learning) and she will let me know what she wants to learn.

I have to admit, it has been slightly disconcerting to embrace this approach completely.  I sometimes fall into the trap of believing that she should know XYZ and she is somehow going to be behind if she doesn't yet.  But, then I remind myself of all of those amazing qualities that she possesses that I listed above and I relax again.

Without a doubt, this teacher often becomes the student and my kiddos each have taught me invaluable lessons in life.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cinnamon Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

It's exams week for the older mancub, so I have been pushing breakfast even more than usual every morning this week.  Clearly, I have spoiled him because cereal is not acceptable and a hot breakfast is a must have.  So, this morning I made Cinnamon Banana Oatmeal pancakes - better known as the BEST PANCAKES EVER!!  Seriously.  These pancakes are fluffy, but dense at the same time.  I'm not even sure how that is possible.  Don't believe me?  Try them for yourself!  The lousy cell phone picture doesn't do them justice, but if I'm going to keep it real on this blog I can't whip out my camera and have a food photo shoot every time something turns out well.  Maybe someday - like 18 years from now when all of the mancubs and divas are grown and trying not to mess up rearing kids of their own. ;)

Cinnamon Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

1 C quick oats
1 C all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking power
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp wheat germ
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 1/2 C milk
1 ripe banana, mashed
Organic coconut oil (for cooking)

Measure the quick oats into a mixing bowl.  Combine the next four ingredients in a sifter and sift into the mixing bowl with the quick oats.  Add the wheat germ, egg, and milk and blend well (I use a fork or a whisk to blend to minimize lumps in the batter).  Fold in the banana.

You can use cooking spray in place of the coconut oil, but I prefer coconut oil.  Cook over medium heat.  Flip one time, once the tops of the pancakes form bubbles (about 2 minutes), and cook an additional 2 minutes.  Serve with butter (optional) and syrup.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Montessori-Inspired Snack Station

The Montessori method has long been a draw for me and not just because I was a Montessori kid myself.  I love the heavy focus on practical life skills and independence in the 3-6 age range that is at the heart of Montessori.  So, I have been busy rearranging aspects of our routine to help foster those skills and independence.  One of the changes that I have just recently made is a snack station.

First, I have to share how excited I am about the piece of furniture that I used to make the station.  I found it at Goodwill for a mere $7!!  It is solid wood and a few coats of paint made it look like a totally different piece!  

My set up for the station from the top shelf down is as follows:

Top shelf - picture tent cards of refrigerated snack options.

Second shelf - One basket with non-perishable snack options.  These will include granola bars, fig bars, rice cakes, crackers (variety), pretzels, etc.  I will limit it to 2 different choices per week and rotate through them to provide a good variety throughout the month.  The other basket has prep utensils in it - kid-friendly butter knives, an apple corer/slicer, and other utensils as I acquire them.

Staging area - The small wooden bowl is a fruit bowl (bananas, apples, oranges).  The red square is a cutting mat (my small wooden cutting board is packed away somewhere, so this will have to do for now. ha!), Cups for drinking water and a pitcher.

I hung a small dowel using thumbtacks to make the towel rod.  I thought it turned out pretty cute. :)

Third shelf - This shelf has paper plates (yes, I know plastic or disposable is not Montessori, hence the word "inspired" attached to it in the post title :) ), a basket with napkins and I will add another basket with utensils for eating.

Bottom shelf - I added a place mat that shows the proper table setting after I took this picture.  But, the real addition to that shelf is coming at Christmas.  Check back to see what will be coming for the younger diva! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Slow down or you might miss something!

Ahhh, Christmas!  It is one of my favorite times of the year!  The only thing I don't like is the rush and bustle of the crowds.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm going to do most, if not all, of my Christmas shopping online this year just to avoid the crowds.  Yeah, I know - BAH-HUMBUG!

In an effort to slow time down, the divas and I went for a walk yesterday morning.  Our mission was simple:  get some fresh air and find some twigs to use for our playdough snowmen we were going to make.  As we wandered down the sidewalk, a small glint of green spinning in the breeze in mid-air caught my eye.  Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was a tiny inchworm dropping from the tree above on its way to the ground below.  So. Cute.

The divas were immediately drawn to it and spent several minutes staring at it in fascination as it wriggled and squirmed on the sidewalk.  After our walk was complete, the divas came back to the spot where we found the inchworm and begged to bring it home.  We have been working on habitats lately, so it seemed appropriate.

So, we now have a new "class" pet!  Meet Squishy and check out his new habitat that the divas helped me assemble. :)

It's moments like these that remind me of how blessed I am to be home with my kids and to be schooling the divas.  In a world where everything is so rushed and hurried, I can hit the pause button and something as small and seemingly insignificant as an inchworm can hold our fascination.

So, in this crazy busy time of year, I encourage each of you to slow down and look around or you just might miss something!

Love and Peace. XO